So what’s next?

The editorial group for our site is relatively small which means it takes time to update the site with new information. Therefore we encourage you to help expand this site by sending us interesting information and especially contributing to The Socionic Times – our online magazine. Here are our plans regarding the future contents of the site.

There are different types of relations. You will learn about all possible relations between the 16 types. We will explain the possible causes of misunderstandings and conflicts that may emerge and why sometimes quite unsimilar people may find common ground.

It is useful to know one's own type. We will tell you about similarities and divergences between the 16 types. The psychological type is a key to understanding human talents, to the best use of one's inborn capabilities in certain activities, to choosing the best career. In addition, knowing one's type will allow to understand one's traits, e.g. where you can easily find understanding with him, in which issues he may concede to you, and in which he will resist up to the bitter end.

Types and groups. One more little secret —the same type behaves in different ways in different groups (surroundings). In one of them people feel comfort, in other communication is not easy, in the third it is easy to perform common tasks but not easy to relax. Even you yourself often noticed that among certain people you like to communicate, among others you feel uncomfortable, with yet another you are even ready to go to war.

What more can one learn about the type? When you will familiarize with the 16 types, we will tell how to differentiate subtypes within the same type, how to identify types visually (and whether this is possible at all), by one's habits, manner of speech and communication with others. You will be able yourself to make interesting observations about the people you know.

Love, marriage, and family. We will tell you why some families break up very early, while others survive for many years in spite of the spouses' unlike traits. This greatly depends on psychological types and relationships between them.

Sex, age, education. Are there 'male' and 'female' types? How a psychological type 'gets distorted' under the influence of education, environment, and age? We will show it with concrete examples.

Scientific problems of socionics. How do personality types correlate with mental diseases? How does socionics correlate with newest researches in psychology, psychiatry, and biology? How does socionics help make political forecasts? These problems will also be highlighted in our site.